Tuesday 21 January 2025
A comprehensive campaign is an organized fundraising effort with an announced financial goal and timeline. If focuses on obtaining support for the university’s strategic priorities in a planned and systematic manner. It not only generates funds, but also helps create awareness and excitement for the campus. Comprehensive campaigns focus the university’s energies into a singular mission that impacts multiple funds from several revenue sources, including principal, major, special, annual, planned giving, and special events.
UC Merced is approaching a very exciting time as it prepares to celebrate the 20th anniversary of its groundbreaking, execute a new strategic plan, and introduce an innovative re-brand and marketing strategy. These discussions engaged our entire campus community, including but not limited to administrative staff, faculty, academic senate, undergraduate and graduate students, alumni, community partners and our Board of Trustees. All these opportunities set the stage for UC Merced’s Chancellor, Juan Sánchez Muñoz, to decide to formally launch the campuses first comprehensive campaign. In addition, our data demonstrates that the university has a healthy pool of existing supporters, potential prospects, and future opportunities to not only meet, but exceed the stated fundraising goal by 2030. There has never been a better time to launch a comprehensive campaign for UC Merced than now.
To raise $200 million by June 30, 2030 (FY ‘30). We have been engaging in the “silent phase” of this comprehensive campaign since FY ‘20. This is industry standard for the “public phase” of a comprehensive campaign.
At the recommendation of UC Merced’s Chancellor, Juan Sánchez Muñoz, and in addition to support from university leadership and Vice Chancellor E. Edward Klotzbier, UC Merced’s comprehensive campaign is chaired by Board of Trustees Immediate Past Chairwoman Denise Watkins. UC Merced has also assembled an internal planning committee to manage the campaign.
The priorities outlined in the case statement for this comprehensive campaign is in direct alignment with the goals set forth by the strategic plan. This ensure that the campaign supports both the mission and vision for UC Merced. To learn more, please click here.
The fastest way to support the campaign is by giving online by clicking here.
You may also call (209) 228-4438 to give by phone.
If you prefer to mail a check or money order, please download this gift form, make checks payable to the UC Merced Foundation, and mail to:
University of California, Merced
Attn: Gift Administration
5200 North Lake Road
Merced, CA 95343
Yes! If you are interested in making a planned gift, please visit giftplanning.ucmerced.edu to learn more!
Do you need our tax ID number? Does your company have a matching gift program? Find out the answers to these questions and more by visiting: engage.ucmerced.edu